Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Effective Trade Show Displays Create Eye Candy!

If you ever walked through a crowded and bustling national trade show, you may compare it to strolling through a Midway at a county fair- with sideshows and fancy amusements. You will see lots of sights, sounds and smells. At a trade show, you will certainly be bombarded by an overload of information coming at you from every different direction. There's the exhibitor over here who is handing out pretzels to get attendees to stop by his booth, and the one over there offering huge shopping bags in hopes that her booth gets some traffic. This booth guy is offering a free spin of a Wheel of Fortune to earn a prize, while that one is tempting you with a chance at a putting tournament to win a Frisbee. Sounds like one big sideshow, doesn't it? And just like at a Midway, show attendees will meander past YOUR booth space and make snap decisions on whether to stop and interact with your booth staff. Often, the success of your event will depend upon getting attendees to stop and learn more about your products and services.

And the reasons why show attendees will stop at a particular booth is not necessarily about the types of premiums that you're giving away. Rather, it's more to do with what kind of image your booth is projecting. Your display should be designed for one main reason: attraction marketing! Successful exhibitors look at shows as a competition for attendees' eyeballs. What attracts attention? What can you do to get more qualified show attendees to stop and thereby generate more leads and more sales?

Create "Eye Candy" With Your Next Display!
The answer is very simple! When it comes to building booth traffic, the number one tool to stop attendees in their tracks is a powerful graphic theme or message. Like attracting moths to a flame, a bright, colorful and professional designed show graphic is the key to slowing or stopping traffic.

An effective trade show exhibit should consist of a dramatic engineered display structure that can support large format printing, good lighting and powerful graphics to create exciting and memorable "eye candy" for your show attendees!

At MaxYourImage - trade show displays Philadelphia, our job is to create eye candy for our clients.  We design and produce eye catching trade show displays with vibrant graphics designed for one main reason: to help you get noticed. When creating your next display, we put careful thought into the message and your branding. How does the attendee benefit from the products or services? What will compel them to stop and interact? How does it impact their life or business? What are the show objectives? What is the general theme? What is your tag line? What colors are you using in your branding? Does the graphic message ever need to
change from show to show?

Trade show graphics must be designed to draw your attention from a distance of at least 50-100 feet. This is why MaxYourImage creates trade show displays much like a large billboard that you see on a highway. In the same way that billboards must be seen and read in a split second by passing motorists, your display must appeal to passersby in split seconds. The exhibit design team at MaxYourImage will create your display around the two-second rule: in that you only have two seconds to get the attendees' attention. The display must engage the interest of the attendee by utilizing large-format, colorful graphics that brand your company and build retention value.

High resolution visual imagery is so important in creating impact and stopping traffic. In the case of trade show displays, a picture really is worth a thousand words, and the MaxYourImage design team can help you select the right display style and large-format graphic look to highlight your message and create "eye candy" for your show attendees!

Contact Jeff Abramson at MaxYourImage, trade show displays Philadelphia, for more information on how we can create delicious eye-candy for your next trade show event!

Trade show displays, banner stands, table covers, table top displays, portable displays, custom displays, modular displays, graphics, and show accessories.

Video from Jeff Abramson about MaxYourImage:

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, the trade show displays should be eye catching and this is why hiring a reliable service is highly important because they will give best ideas for the designs. I recently got custom panels from a popular service provider and I must say that these are of best quality.
